Sunday, November 24, 2013

My furniture's feelings

Empathy. It kills me. If you cry chances are I am too. You feel angry? Breaks my heart- or makes me angry too. 
Some could say I make connections that are not the most appropriate. Example "I feel that I want to run a marathon" my response- we can do it!!!    
20 minutes later I realize that I will not be running a marathon but for the love of her excitement I just got into a bad place. I can't help it. I feel to many feelings. 
Independence (I can only spell that because of the song)?? What is that? I don't want it. I don't need it. I want to do everything together.   
Now. Feel what I feel. Try it. See this ugly chunky mess? 
Do you see ugly? No way!! Holy Hannah! Jack pot! This beauty was only $40! 
I felt bad for this baby. I had to take it home. It needed me. It needed to be a "we." 
All she needed was some primer and La Fonda Mirage ( judge me- I chose it for the name). Say it. You would choose it too! I only did one coat. I was skeptical of one. Did it. And I would do it again. Decisions. Make them. Feel good and make them again. Unless you want to change them. 
The worst thing to make decisions about? Food .... Conversations that happen to everyone- where do you want to eat? I don't care. Where do you want to eat? - first world probs. 

I no longer feel bad for this piece of love. She is strong she is independent ( singing song) she needs me- I'm stretching it. She is beautiful. 
She needed accessories and I haven't necessarily committed to what is there but I'm liking it. 
She is happy. I am happy. 


  1. What a great story and transformation: you, this piece of furniture, and this blog! Keep it the emotions of your writings!
